Tutor Feedback System from Oases

tutor feedback and star rating system

Rating your Tutors with the Oases Tutor Feedback System.

Tutor Star Rating System

A tutor feedback system and rating your tutors is essential. That is to say, in the dynamic landscape of education, the importance of effective tutoring cannot be overstated. As learning methodologies evolve, so too must the tools that support them.

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce a new feature in the Oases Online tutoring management platform; tutor star rating and feedback. Allowing your customers to rate their tutor and provide valuable feedback.

How It Works

tutor feedback

The Oases Tutor Feedback system allows your customers or parents to leave a tutor star rating after each session. Thus encouraging your customers to get into the habit of rating your tutors regularly, not just at the end of service.

Our new feature is designed to enhance the overall tutoring experience by empowering your customers to rate each session and give written feedback if desired.

Anonymity is crucial in fostering open and honest communication. Tutors do not see the tutor feedback system nor their tutor star rating. So allowing and fostering candid evaluations.

View Tutor’s Rating

From your login to Oases you can see any tutor’s star rating in their record.

Furthermore, pressing on the rating brings up a list of all ratings and tutor feedback comments.

Responding to Tutor Feedback

Most importantly, we want you to be able to respond to feedback quickly. So, we have included a report for you to see all the latest comments in one place. Consequently, reaching out quickly if someone has a problem or concern is simple. We all have problems, responding to them is how to move forward successfully.

Furthermore, viewing the overall star rating for all your tutors in one place is also easy.

Tutor Search & Matching by Tutor Star Rating

Integrating the Tutor Star Rating system with other Oases features is also important. Therefore, when matching or searching for a tutor using Intelligent Match or Tutor Search you will find it simple to request a tutor by their rating.

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