Student schedules & Tutor Scheduling
Schedule your tutors and students quickly and simply with Oases
Student Schedules & Attendance
Student schedules in Oases tutor tracking software is the framework of the entire system.
Furthermore, you will find it flexible and configurable. As such, you can choose different methods of session and schedule creation to suit your needs and preferences.
That is to say, you will find the most important part of your business easier to manage.
Student Schedules – Scheduling
This is the fastest way to create sessions in Oases. As a result of creating a student schedule, you can create multiple repeating sessions with a couple of clicks.
Simply select the day and time and duration or multiple days and multiple times and yes, multiple durations!
Then, Oases creates each of your individual sessions. Furthermore, if you need to make sweeping changes to all of those sessions, you can. Again, with a couple of clicks.
As well as in the schedule itself, your new sessions are visible in the calendar, your sessions list, the student and the tutor record. Making Oases the best attendance software for your business.
Additionally, schedules has the added bonus of Tutor Search. It’s built in, so you will find everything you need at your finger tips. This will save you time as you don’t have to break away to see who in your tutor list is available & qualified. Student schedules & tutor management errors are removed.
One-off Sessions
Student Scheduling – One off sessions
What if your sessions don’t follow a pattern? Perhaps your customers can’t commit to a set pattern?
No problem! You can create one off sessions from your session list or calendar. Furthermore, if tutors are responsible for setting the next date, they can create a session and link it to an existing schedule.
Student Attendance
Student Schedules is the start of attendance tracking. That is to say each student session is tracking student attendance for that appointment.
Therefore, when your tutor closes out a session, the student attendance is logged. Similarly, if the tutor closes out the session and changes the student attendance.
Subsequently, all attendance hours for your student are consolidated. You can view the hours in multiple ways:
- Total hours
- Monthly hours
- Hours used per service
- Time that needs to be billed
- Hours that have been billed and not been used
Additionally, you can create custom reports if you need to see and track your students’ attendance hours in any other way!
Close Out
After a session has taken place your tutor needs to close out the session. In other words, this will let you know that the session is complete.
During this process your tutor can:
- Add a student note that may be completed from a note template created by your team
- Automatically email this student note to the parent/customer at this stage if required
- Log a private note visible to the office team
- Enter an assignment that the student is required to do and close out past session assignments
- Add data to any custom fields created by the office team
- Submit the session as complete
Once submitted your office team will move the session to the next stage:
- A supervisor can mark the session as Reviewed prior to Approval by an Admin or jump to Approval
- Trigger the student note to be emailed on Approve if you want to check it first
Closing out of the session will move your student’s time from scheduled to used, giving you an accurate display of student hours.
Tutor Attendance
Oases is also tutor tracking software. So we are also logging the attendance of the tutor on each session.
As well as seeing your tutor’s hours on their calendar we also collate them by month.
Helpfully, you can set your payroll periods in Oases. So we also collate tutor attendance earnings by each period.
Did you know that you can have offset attendance in a session? For example your student attendance could be an hour but your tutor attendance is 15 minutes longer! In other words, you can pay for prep time. Therefore, your tutor management is simple and you don’t need to make additional prep sessions.
Additionally, you can create custom reports if you need to see and track your tutors’ attendance hours in any other way!
Check-In Check-Out
If you run a tutoring center, or perhaps your tutors are going into students’ homes, you may find our Check-In process useful.
Simply activate Check-In Check-Out mode to capture the exact times a student arrives and departs and who signed them in or out.
This will also work for the tutor arriving and departing. Great tutor management.
Subsequently, we will store this information in the relevant session. You can view it there or in Custom Reports.
However, we think it’s important to say that the Check-In Check-Out is a data gathering feature only. It is not designed to prevent unauthorized pick-up.
Session Display
However you choose to create session they will display all around Oases.
That is to say, where you view your sessions will depend on where you are working and your preference. So in our tutor tracking software – no back tracking!
Sessions and Attendance will display in:
- Central Calendar
- Student Calendar
- Staff Calendar
- Lane Calendar
- Session List
- Schedule List
- Student Record
- Parent/Customer login
- Reports
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