How to measure Tutor Performance

how to measure tutor performance, tutor data analytics

Performance Indicators for Tutors

Evaluating productivity and knowing how to measure tutor performance and tutor data analytics is key for your tutoring business.

In knowing how well tutors teach and engage with their students, you can identify areas for improvement and provide the necessary support for tutors to develop their skills.

Therefore, maintaining high standards of teaching, leading to better student outcomes and overall satisfaction.

Performance indicators for tutors should be a combination of quantitive and qualitative data. When looking for a tutoring management system always check that you have tutor data analysis based on both.

performance indicators for tutors

Star Rating for Tutor Data Analysis

A star rating system is a great answer to how to measure tutor performance. Importantly it’s a mixture of quantitative and qualitative data.

For example it’s quantitative as you can average the results for a rating for each tutor. Additionally, it’s qualitative as it’s based on the opinions and feelings of your customers.

Look for a tutoring management system that has a rating system for your customers to rate their tutors after each session or at the end of tutoring.

Written Feedback

Feedback from your customers is one of the performance indicators for tutors that is qualitative. That is to say your customers may say the tutor is great or not so great. They may even add a comment completely unrelated to the tutor!

However, comments can be collated for tutor performance reviews and forms part of your tutor data analysis.

Performance Indicators for Tutors from Student Test Gains

How to measure tutor performance should include quantitive data as this is concrete. To clarify, the results cannot be argued.

Consequently, testing your students before and after tutoring. Then measuring their test gains to see how much they improved. Your tutor data analytics may include their:

  • score gain
  • percentage gain
  • grade equivalent gain
  • all the above

Whichever item you measure, combining these scores for all students tutored by a specific tutor will give you a score. Perhaps for a specific date range. Most importantly giving you a solid indicator for that tutor’s performance.

In conclusion, knowing how to measure tutor performance and then using those results is beneficial to your business. For example, collating this data can be used for annual reviews. Encouraging your tutors to perform better or addressing a specific issue.

Additionally, you will be able to promote certain tutors and discontinue working with tutors who do not get results.


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