Tutoring Promotions for May – Marketing Matters!

tutoring promotions for may

Tutoring Promotions for May

Marketing matters, so if you are struggling with ideas for marketing campaigns here are some great tutoring promotions for May. Getting started now so everything is in place for May will ensure your tutoring platform stays busy. Always be thinking of promotions you can offer to get new and existing customers to sign up.

Whether it’s a discount, event, open house or workshop, changing your promotions regularly to make sure your offers are staying fresh and engaging customers. We have listed some days below that may help spark an idea for tutoring promotions for May.

Marketing Matters – A little information about May

Did you know the month of May is named after Maia, a Roman goddess associated with growth, fertility, and spring? May was part of the Julian calendar, introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE. Later carrying over into the Gregorian calendar when  introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in October 1582.

Here’s an interesting fact for your tutoring promotions for may, the Anglo-Saxons called the month of May “Þrimilci-mōnaþ” (Thrimilki Monath). Translating to “Three-Milk Month.” That is to say, this name came from the fact that during May, cows could be milked three times a day due to the abundance of fresh grass and rich pastures. 

marketing matters tutoring platform

Tutoring Promotions for May – Star Wars Day – May 4th

May the Fourth be with you! So, May 4th is a special day for Star Wars and science fiction fans and is known as Star Wars day. Consequently, allowing you to design tutoring promotions for May around this day. Perhaps promoting science programs or launching your summer camp marketing.


Marketing Matters – Cinco de Mayo – May 5th

Many people have adopted Cinco de Mayo as a celebration day in the USA. So using this celebration for offering promotions on language learning or cultural tutoring sessions is a good idea. Perhaps giving discounts or tutoring platform promos for Spanish or ELL learners.


National Military Spouse Appreciation Day – Friday before Mother’s Day

Falling on Friday 9th May, 2025, this is a great day to give back. Consider offering a free session to military families. If you have a tutoring center consider promoting date night child care – as always not forgetting to check your insurance.


marketing matters online tutoring platforms

Mother’s Day – Second Sunday in May

In 2025 Mother’s Day is 11th May and is our last highlighted opportunity for tutoring promotions for May. You could offer a promo code via your tutoring platform or if you offer face to face tutoring offering small gifts or party favors.


These are just some of the days and ideas you can use for tutoring promotions in May. Find a full list of days at the National Day Calendar. Matching days to your business ensuring your offers make sense.

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