Tutoring in Schools is Increasing
As tutoring services in schools increases post Covid, the chances are you may pick up a contract to provide supplemental instruction. As a result, you need to know how to manage school tutoring and the unique demands some schools will make.
Manage School Tutoring Separately
Don’t use spreadsheets! That is to say, use a software system to manage your tutoring in schools. Most importantly, choose a platform that allows you to separate your students into different programs. Separating out your students and school sessions will give you a better overview of what is happening. In other words, the one thousand foot view.
Keep a Tight Hand on the Budget
Having your students in a separate program will allow you to manage the money separately too! You will find that schools have many ways of allocating funds to tutoring. For example, the budget may be per student or per group. Therefore, choose a software platform that will do this for you. This will help prevent over tutoring or leaving money on the table. That is to say, you want to charge for as much as possible without going over budget.
Invoicing for Tutoring in Schools
For various reasons, Schools and Districts can have long lead times on paying invoices. The last thing you want is for payment to be delayed further due to an error on your invoice. Therefore, the tutoring management system you choose should be able to invoice based on the rules for the budget. Additionally, look for flexibility on invoicing per student, per school or per program.
Above all, a configurable breakdown of the hours is key. That is to say, different schools will want the details of the invoice to show different things. Submitting spreadsheets to back up your invoice is one way you can provide this information but if a system does it automatically, even better!
Interim and End Reporting
Reporting for tutoring in schools is paramount. Both for the student progress and over-arching data. As you tutor, notes are made for your students for each session. A good system can collate these into Progress Reports for each student.
At the end of the program you will also need to pull over-view reports of all students, sessions, hours, notes and invoices. Make sure your chosen system does this for you.
Oases Online Does All of the Above
Oases Online tutoring management software, does all of the above and more. Book a demonstration below to see how we make it simple to set and manage school tutoring services.
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