Sample Documents & Reports

sample documents

Oases Documents

Samples of documents and reports produced by Oases


Sample Documents Generated by Oases

To help with your decision making process we have put together some sample documents produced by the Oases tutor management software.

However, please keep in mind that many Oases documents may be customized.

To clarify, you may find these useful if you are looking for tutor software that will produce specific items for example. Above all, if needed, please feel free to submit sample documents with any RFA.

To help with your decision making process we have put together some sample documents produced by the Oases tutor management software.

However, please keep in mind that many Oases documents may be customized.

To clarify, you may find these useful if you are looking for tutor software that will produce specific items for example. Above all, if needed, please feel free to submit sample documents with any RFA.



Oases Documents

Most importantly, please keep in mind that many Oases documents may be customized.


Tutor Performance

Tutor Rating

Switch on Tutor Rating allowing your customers to give their tutor a star rating after each session. Oases collates all results for a tutor for an overall star rating, that can be used to filter tutors or printed to be used in staff reviews.


As well as rating a tutor, text feedback can be left by your customers. Allowing you to address any concerns promptly to maintain service delivery. Specific feedback can be collated for use with decision making or staff reviews.



Oases Reports

The Oases Report Suite contains over 70 reports that may be produced in Excel or browser format.

On the other hand, some reports pull lists of data and some compare that data.

For example, those that compare data can be submitted with RFA’s where you would need to prove the efficacy of your program. To help you out here are 3 that may be useful for doing just that.

Additionally, as well as the Report Suite, you may also create Custom Reports in Oases.

Similarly, any custom report you create may be sent to Excel, Clipboard or alternatively, emailed directly from the Oases Custom Report area.

Finally, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need a specific sample document from your tutor management software that you don’t see here.



oases partners achieve

Through your Oases Online database you can test your new students with the Achieve Test.

The Achieve test may be taken online or on paper. Either way, you can generate a targeted learning plan from the student’s test results.

Additionally, you can print a test report grouping the questions and your student’s answers by benchmark/objective. Therefore, you won’t waste time tutoring something the student already knows.

Finally, at the end of tutoring services you can administer a post test and compare the student’s pre and post-test. Therefore report on your student gains. In addition to being a great feature for your customers this also aids in demonstrating the efficacy of your program in applications.

SAT and ACT test

Oases has programmed and you can score the 10 SAT practice tests. Using the required algorithm Oases will convert raw scores to SAT scores. As a result, you can print Oases SAT reports for your students.

More info on the ACT & SAT in Oases

SAT and ACT test

You can score and report on over 14 ACT practice tests. Subsequently, you will be able to print an Oases ACT report for your students. As a result you can tutor exactly where it is need.

Finally, learn more about testing in Oases.

So What’s Next?

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