Tutoring Management Software Rollout

tutoring management software

Tips for Rolling Out Tutoring Management Software

Rolling out new Tutoring Management Software can be a stressful process. Furthermore, a successful software deployment will require thoughtful planning, communication and coordination.

Therefore, rushing into a rollout without preparation can lead to setbacks and operational disruptions. Assuming you have identified your new tutor management system and it has the features you need, let’s look at some critical considerations to ensure a smooth and successful software rollout:

Choose Your Deployment Type

  • Switch vs. Phased Rollout: You will need to decide whether you will launch the software all at one or gradually. So, identify the pros and cons of each approach. A switch is faster but with more risks. However a phased approach allows for controlled testing and will take a little longer.
  • Pilot testing: As part of a phased rollout you can consider a test group. Perhaps choose a few tutors and their assigned students to use your new tutor management system for a month. For this period you will still use your old system and then compare the two on a daily basis.

Assign a Project Leader

There has to be ownership and a place where the buck stops!

The biggest mistake managers make is purchasing a software and then wondering why it does not get setup or implemented in a timely manner.

Assigning a project leader to to implement your new tutoring management software gives clear ownership. Your project leader does not have to do all the work themselves, but work can be assigned and of course, progress checked.


  • Transparent Communication: The project leader should keep all stakeholders informed throughout the process. This will help manage expectations and ensures everyone understands their roles.
  • Regular Updates: The project leader will share progress updates, any changes in the overall timeline and any challenges. Thereby building trust and allowing any stakeholders to plan accordingly.

User Training & Tutoring Management Software Change Resistance

Software is great and a new tutoring management software is really exciting, but don’t forget your humans!

  • Train Users Early: Provide training sessions for all users before your new tutor management system goes live. Ensure you have a software with built in training materials and videos. Also, consider setting up your tutors to login and practice their tasks with some test students.
  • Address Resistance to Change: Change can be challenging and not everyone will embrace your new software. Try to identify and eliminate the resistance. That is to say, do they fear loosing their jobs? Perhaps they were a subject expert on old software or spreadsheets and resent losing that feeling? Maybe they don’t like to feel inept or inefficient or just hate change?

Plan, Prepare & Adapt

As we’ve seen rolling out a new tutoring management software requires careful planning and coordination. By considering the needs of stakeholders and testing thoroughly you can ensure a smooth transition.

Finally, look for a tutor management system that comes with some of these features built in such as Oases:

  • Implementation Planners
  • Implementation Check Lists
  • Training Materials
  • Setup Support

With the right approach, your new tutoring software will become a powerful asset that enhances productivity, efficiency and user satisfaction.

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