Do you have a good Tutor System?
Do you have a good tutor system & online tutoring software whiteboard? For example, a clear process you expect to happen and a good tutor platform for them to work in?
Once you have onboarded your tutors and students and matching is complete the tutor system should take over. Helpfully, here are some items to consider when outlining your tutor system.
1. Tutor System Bookings
Who does your scheduling or booking of sessions? Importantly, there are different ways to do this and start your students at step one of your tutor system. That is to say you have a choice of the following, or may decide on a mixture:
Storefront Bookings – your customers book a tutor or a course via your website. If this is an option you wish to use you will find it easier, for example, if this storefront delivers the data directly to your tutor software or tutor platform.
Pros | Cons |
Hands Off. Convenient. Always available. |
Impersonal. Won’t always be the best match for the student’s needs. Some customers won’t buy direct from a website without talking to a company representative. |
Central Scheduling – You office team finds out what the customer wants and then schedules the required sessions. Most importantly, the sessions are scheduled for your student and tutor directly into your tutor system or platform.
Pros | Cons |
Office is in the loop. Sessions are scheduled in good time so everyone knows whats happening and availability is up to date. Consistent service to all customers. Reduced errors. |
Staff Time. Office hours only. |
Tutor Scheduling – The office performs tutor matching in your tutor platform and assigns your new student to a tutor in that platform. Then the tutor reaches out to your customer or student and sets up the sessions.
Pros | Cons |
Time saving for the office. |
Tutors may not reach out in good time. When finalized there may be a delay in entering the sessions into the tutor platform so information is not up to date. Customers can approach tutors to cut out your company. |
Mixture of Tutor Systems
Of course, you may decide on a mixture for your tutor system or process. Perhaps new customers and tutors are scheduled by the office but on the other hand, senior trusted tutors are performing more of their own scheduling.
2 – Online Tutoring Software Whiteboard
For your online tutoring you will need an online tutoring software whiteboard, or an online meeting platform. Consequently, you will need an account with a meeting platform. Try to find one that integrates with your tutor platform, such as Oases & Lessonspace.
If you deliver your tutoring services in person, ensure your process allows for travel time and any travel reimbursements. Most importantly, ensure that buffers can be added to automatically prevent scheduling of sessions too close together. Oases has these features.
3. Close out Session in Tutor Platform
Your tutor system should include the close out of a tutoring session when it’s complete. In other words, did what was planned actually happen?
Your tutors can:
- Confirm session took place.
- Make adjustments to start time and duration if necessary.
- Add student progress notes and work accomplished.
- Set any homework.
- Log any miles to claim.
That is to say you need to know if an invoice needs to be created or adjusted for your customer. Furthermore, payroll is calculated on sessions that have taken place so it’s imperative that information is accurate for the tutor system to calculate invoices and payroll.
To clarify, use a tutor platform that includes a tutor system or can adapt to your process. Ensuring that this process is clearly defined and documented will make it easier for your tutors and office team to move each session booking through your process.
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