Assignment Tracker for Students

homework tracker for students

Assignment Tracker for Students

A homework tracker for students (assignment tracker for students), must be easy to use to be of benefit.

That is to say easy for your tutors to enter assignments, easy for your parents to check if there are assignments and easy for you, the office, to check the student assignments.

student assignment tracker

Enter Assignments into Student Assignment Tracker

The key with easy entry of assignments is adding an assignment from where you are working. That is to say a system with multiple entry points and also multiple visibility points.

So when choosing a software pick one such as Oases that gives you these assignment tracker features:

  • Add an assignment into the homework tracker for students from today’s session.
  • View all past assignments from today’s session.
  • Add an assignment from the student record.
  • View all post assignments from the student record.


Customer View of the Assignment Tracker for Students

Your customers will need to find all assignments in one place, specially if they have more than one student to monitor.

Furthermore, filtering the list to outstanding homework assignments is useful. In Oases, your customers can do this quickly and simply from their portal.


assignment tracker for students

Admin Overview of Assignments

Meanwhile, back in your office your team must have an easy view of homework assignments added to the homework tracker for students. Additionally, the date and session where they were added by your tutor must also be visible.

Being able to filter to any assignments that are outstanding is a time saving feature provided by Oases.

Finally, one useful feature in Oases is the ability to add an assignment for the parent, such as completing a form that needs to be on file. All these features and more are available in Oases tutoring management.

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