Whiteboard technology for tutoring

tutor management system with whiteboard

Online Tutoring with whiteboard technology

Create meeting spaces and send online links for tutors and students


Online Tutoring with a Whiteboard

Now more than ever, a tutor management system with whiteboard technology for tutoring is helping you provide online classes to your clients.

So Oases has programmed a simple to use integration with partner Lessonspace for online tutoring classes.



oases integrations online tutoring whiteboard

Integrate your Lessonspace Whiteboard account with Oases for your online tutoring delivery.

For example, Oases Lessonspace Whiteboard integration features include:

  • Create online tutoring whiteboard space at same time as creating sessions
  • One space and one link per tutor/student schedule
  • Automatic emailing of link with session reminders
  • Instant meeting and link creation for last minute sessions


Do you want a management system with whiteboard technology for tutoring at a reduced rate?

If so, great news, Oases Online customers using our tutor management system with whiteboard can enjoy a discount. To clarify, we offer a 50% discount on Lessonspace Pro and Advanced accounts and a 50% discount on overage hours on the Lessonspace Starter account. Most importantly, just for being an Oases customer!

It’s easy, when you have signed up for Oases just ask us for your Lessonspace discount code.


Other Whiteboards


If you prefer to use a different whiteboard technology for tutoring online, that’s okay too. You can still use Oases and deliver services via an alternative meeting software.

For instance, if you choose this, instead of a streamlined integrated process it will be a quick manual task. Simply drop a meeting link into your schedule.

As a result, this will automate the link delivery to each session in the schedule. From there it will go out with the automatic session reminders.  However, nothing beats the simplicity of a linked Lessonspace whiteboard account.

So What’s Next?

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